Stop By Going In Style Travel Accessories at Stanford Shopping Center

Update 07.23.2020 - The walkway at the NE entrance is once again closed. Please follow the interactive map on Stanford Shopping Center's website >> for directions to get to Going In Style Travel Accessories.

Going In Style Travel Accessories congratulates Edward's Luggage for 65 great years at Stanford Shopping Center.

Going In Style Travel Accessories is open during construction. The walkway in leading to our store is closed off at the NE entrance facing El Camino Real, near Macy's Men's Store.

You can still get to store. If you find yourself at the closed off entrance, simply go right, towards LaBelle Day Spas & Salon, and walk around Macy's Men's Store. 

There will be an open entrance to the mall on the NW side of Macy's Men's Store facing Sand Hill Road. You will see Muji Japanese Store on your right. After you pass Muji on your right, you will turn left at White House Black Market towards the inner circle. 

Going In Style Travel Accessories will be on your left between White House Black Market and Simon Mall Guest Services.

Stop by Going In Style Stanford Travel Store and see what we have on sale. We carry 1000s of travel products including, bags, luggage, adapters, wallets, purses, travel games and more. 

Going In Style Travel Store is located at 609 Stanford Shopping Center, Palo Alto, California 94304 Get directions to Going In Style Stanford Store on google maps.

Visited Going In Style Stanford Travel Store's website to see the latest deals and news >>

Going In Style Stanford Mall Map Entrance